Make a life not a living.

Dhryl Anton
3 min readDec 6, 2020

It’s been a year of lots of changes and making a living is getting harder. Maybe it’s time to stop trying to make a living and try to make a life instead. To understand this the first step is to examine what it is we are trying to make, when we say make a living, or for that matter what is living?

If I have learned anything it is that; most people would rather die than change. Many are. Rather than observe the simple rules of hygiene you learned in kindergarten. They rather die and kill others. A perfect cap to a century of self. “Don’t let ‘em change you”, is the rallying cry of ignorance. No one is more easily manipulated than the paranoid ignorant. They want to believe they don’t have to change. They believe. They want to believe. However change is truth. Change is the only truth. Change is the only thing that is constant in the universe. When change stops. Existence stops. It is the nature of existence. Truth isn’t something you prove. Truth isn’t something you figure out. The world is not in darkness. It is your eyes that are closed. There is no conspiracy. They are not that smart and not that organized. There is no “they”. That is the lie. To get you to believe in “they”, that is the trick. Truth is not something you believe. You believe because you “want” to believe. Truth is not hidden. Truth is obvious. Truth is something you accept. Or die. It couldn’t be simpler. You either accept change or proceed on into oblivion because change is the nature of existence. Life is change. No change. No life. Most people would rather die than change. Many are and many will. It has always been that way and it always will be that way. It has to be. The question is what are you going to do with the time you have left? Are you going to change?

Change is scary because we are desperate to keep what we have and get a little more. This however is another lie that keeps you mired in self-deciet. You cannot get more and keep what you have. You have to give up what you have to get more. Only an empty cup can be filled. If you want more then you have to empty the cup. There is no other way. Once you get that. I mean get it not just “agree with it”. I mean more than understand. I mean comprehend it. Then change isn’t scary. The universe is in a constant state of motion. Nothing is still. The nature of life is change. Change is life. Change is comforting because it means you are living.

Making a living isn’t something you do for money. Money is a medium of exchange. The most important part of that fact is exchange. What are you exchanging? Living is the currency of life. What are you trading for your life? Change is life, as we previously examined. Are you trading, stability-the loss of change, for your life? Consider then that this may not be a fair trade. Consider what you are exchanging ?

The quality of your life has to do with the quality of your thinking. It is not about the things you have. You can live with less and be happy. More will not make you happy. More will make you less. The more you have the less you are. Wealth is a tool not an expression of identity. If you are trying to convince others of what you have then you won’t have much for long. It’s not about keeping what you have and getting more. Trading your life for pretty things to impress people who don’t care about you to begin with. Well, in my opinion, is just stupid. Nothing is worth that exchange.

Making a living is about trading value. It is something you get. Making a life is about realizing change. It is something you give. A life isn’t something you make. A life is something you give. Only you can give yourself a life.

My point is simply this. The nature of existence is change. Maybe embracing the change may be something to consider. You could see the change as losing a way to make a living. Or, maybe it is freeing you from trying to make a living, so you can go make a life. Only you can decide.

